Wills and Estate Planning

Wills and Estate Planning
While it is often unpleasant to think of your death or the death of a loved one, it is an unfortunate reality we will all face. While you cannot be in control of what will occur in your life, you can be in control of who will make decisions for you if you are unable or what will happen to your property after death.
Estate planning allows you to determine what will happen to your valuables after your death. An estate plan is important for every person to have no matter how big or small your estate may be. Having a will allows your loved ones to be aware of how you wish your property to be distributed upon your death. Contact Attorney Lisa Hennessy Fitzpatrick today to set up a consultation to discuss your estate needs!
A Last Will and Testament is a document which controls and directs the distribution of your property at the time of your death. A will allows you to appoint a specific person to distribute the property and valuables in your estate as you desire. It is important to have a will, no matter how much property or valuables you own at the time of death. If you do not have a will, the court will distribute property according to the North Carolina Intestate Succession Act which may be contrary to your wishes.